The eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. That's Veterans Day in the United States. In lands faraway, men and women have given their lives for our rights to freedom in this country. Being a Veteran, today has been and always will be a solemn day for me. I still have friends in the service. My family has a deep history of serving. My dad was in the Navy, my grandpa served in the Coast Guard, Army, and Air Force. Many other cousins, aunts, and uncles have served as well.
Today, please take a minute to go online and find a forum for veterans and say thank you, or go out into town and I'm sure you will come across someone with a hat or shirt or jacket showing they are a Veteran. Take a moment and thank them for their service.
I would also like to throw a shoutout to the people on twitter who make sure that veterans and troops are always aware that they are supported. @americanwomann @slkbrooke @autsmama98 @beanies4baghdad @cupcakes5 @WOTN2 @carsonjdaly @CSUMB_otters @reenit @armymom101 @centerright @shelley_rae @da_nennett @rashadhouston @alizziegal and soooo many others. If you are on twitter, do a search for the following hastags to see just how many people support our troops and veterans. #honorvets #militarymon #sot #veteran #military #Navy, #USMC #Army #Airforce #coastguard
Happy Veterans Day everyone! "some gave all, and all gave some" "If you aren't willing to stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them"