I just don't know how to say it any other way. I'm working to become a well off guy with a great family. Along the way, I find myself giving whatever money I can to help organizations out. There are a few groups that hold a special place in my heart. They all belong to Homeless shelters for men, women, and children, Veterans, Organizations that help kids with terminal illness, and organizations that fight cancer and Breast Cancer especially.
on a side note.. I've been attending a Mastermind Group for the past month. I'm nearly done with my vision board. on there I wrote the following idea: 100K/50K. This year, I want to earn 100K. I also want to find a way to donate half of that to these organizations. I just added one mid way through this post that was 50%. I am hoping that I can get people to donate $25k to these organizations while I am donating my 50K. ok, back to the post.
SO, there I am driving down the road and I realize that one of my life's passions is to volunteer and help raise money for those in need. I've worked with the Mentally ill in Shasta County and when the non profit I worked for shut down, I've never felt so helpless in my life. I had to tll 17 people that I needed to help them find a new home. I hear most of them are doing well. That makes me happy. But there are still transitional housing programs that are certainly struggling. Many city and county governments cut funding for these programs first. Sad to say, but that's how it goes. SO, There is an organization here in Red Bluff called P.A.T.H. (Poor and The Homeless). Here is their website: www.redbluffpath.org. You can also click this link to donate: https://www.justgive.org/basket?acton=donate&ein=68-0465095
Next is The Alyssa Araiza Wings of Angels Organization. Such a great organization! If you go to their website, please have tissues handy. You'll need them. I had to change my shirt since I didn't have a hanky nearby.
Next is the Make a Wish Foundation. Really, I can't say enough about how much this organization rocks. I've been listening to their radiothon all day today. Listening to the stories of kids and their wishes. I pretty much gave up calling on potential customers because every time I got in the car, I found myself pulled over crying listening to the great stories told by parents siblings, and the kids who had wishes come true. If you have a spare ten dollars, please donate to them. I know how tore up I get when my son has an ear infection! I can't even being to try to imagine how these kids, parents, and siblings feel. All I know is I heard happy story after happy story today. I am heading over tomorrow to hand one of the radio DJ's a $50 bill to help out. Here's the link to donate: https://simplecheckout.authorize.net/payment/CatalogPayment.aspx
And lastly, my good buddy Pedro Perez and his wife Christy have two kids with Mitochondria. I will be honest, I can hardly understand what the hell this disease is. I do know this: Mitochondrial diseases can affect any organ in the body and at any age. I also know how many times Pedro and his wife have been in the ER trying to find out what is happening to their lovely kids. By the way, their kids are absolutely adorable. His son Ethan has the awesomest laugh that I've ever heard. It would be a sad day if that Laugh didn't permeate into the world anymore. SO, Now that you've donated to Make a Wish, PATH, and Wings of Angels, take your credit card one more time and click HERE.
If you only spent one dollar at each place. That's one coffee. Can you go without Starbucks or Dutch Bros or Java Detour for one morning? Can you skip McDonald's to help out? I am skipping fast food and coffee and sodas. That money alone should help me donate around $100 a month to all of these groups. So please, from me, my friends, those I've never met before, and millions who you or I will never meet face to face, I urge you to help out. Thank you.
The Nice Guy