Friday, August 27, 2010

How important are good teachers?

Here in California, the debate has been raging on and on about education. I am seeing great teachers losing the love of teaching. It is such a shame because I was VERY fortunate to have teachers that cared. In elementary school, in Jr. High, and High school. Some teachers knew when I needed a swift kick to the ass, while others knew that I just needed to be reminded of the potential I had.

I was lucky enough to find some of these teachers on Facebook. Some I haven't found, but they need to be mentioned too.

My Spanish Teachers probably had one of the largest impacts on me because they truly loved what they were teaching, and it showed.

My first spanish teacher Senorita Amy was the one who first showed me how awesome language and culture were. She knew when I needed help, and when I needed to fumble my way around and learn on my own.

My second and third year of Spanish, I had Senora Netterville and Senor Hassay. They shared the class and it was awesome going from fundamentals to culture and meshing the two together. While Mr. Hassay always made fun of me and called me "Joto De" instead of "Jota De" (first means Gay D, second means JD.) I would always call him Senor Gris (Mr. Gray cuz he had gray hair.) I still learned a lot in both of those classes and again, when I needed to be reminded of my potential, they made sure I was aware of what I was able to do. I really cannot thank these three teachers enough for how much they taught me. Every job I have been hired for was thanks to my ability to speak Spanish and English.

Mr. Bauer was our Economics teacher. Yes, this subject alone could but even the most hyperactive child to sleep... in seconds. However, Mr. Bauer had a great approach. include anecdotal parts in with mundane content, and you have a shot of getting the message across. Except, Mr. Bauer took it one step further. Each week before a test, our class would receive a letter from his Aunt Gussie from Tuscaloosa, and would talk about the content from the previous week. It made us laugh, but it helped us learn. But the one part that stood out to me the most was when it came time to take our Senior Portraits. I had a dilemma... I had no neckties to my name. Didn't know how to tie one to save my life, and I was about to be the one guy who didn't have a tie for his picture. In comes Mr Bauer with his collection of Ties for any of the guys to use if we didn't have one. He found one that matched my shirt, and saved the day. I am still grateful for the kindness he showed to everyone.

These are just a few of the Teachers who made a difference to me, and I hope that any student is lucky enough to have teachers like these. I am planning on sharing some other great teachers along the way. If you have an educator who you would like to say thanks to, please feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Null... Chemistry he was the best, EVER.
    Mrs. Hassay
    Mr. Evans

    RBUHS had quite a few that were awesome. Come to think of it.
